Thursday, March 15, 2012

It gets better.

This is a post for all the teens out there.

You've been called names, teased, made fun of. You've been made to feel that you are some how less because you aren't exactly like everyone else. You've been made to feel like you are less because you don't wear what is in style or you don't believe in showing cleavage or all of your legs. You've been made fun of for not being skinny, for being too skinny, for wearing glasses, for not having straight teeth or straight hair. You get teased for liking video games, or liking books too much, for being too smart and willing to participate.

You've been teased for being gay or appearing to be so. You've been teased for begin poorer then others or for not being someone that everyone else claims to be

Instead of hiding who you are, be proud of it! You are perfect as you are! I am a chubby chick with messed up teeth and brain. I have an addiction to books, horror flicks, magic the gathering, D&D, L5R, and anything else that could be considered nerdy and I am proud!

I knit, game, and watch tons of movies while I study. While in class, I speak my mind, take lots of notes, and will prove anyone wrong if I KNOW I am right! 

Hold your head high! Don't be ashamed of who you are! If you are different, EMBRACE IT!!!

It does get better, even if you never have tons of friends and don't always get the hot fun dates, being who you are and having a few close friends is more important then sacrificing your happiness. 

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