Thursday, August 4, 2011

Having a good cry...

At least I think this is a good cry. I've spent the last few days hanging with a certain friend and his little sis... It was all well and good until I noticed I was the only one who's phone wasn't going off a lot. It helped remind me just how alone I am in this life. They both have loves in their life and I don't. I have no one who wants to text me a lot and tell me they care.  I spend most days just wanting someone to say hi and see how I am to be honest. I hate having to be the one to initiate contact all the time and just once wish I had someone who wanted to talk to me before I contacted them...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's been a while

It's been a while since I posted. Been busy. Got into the university I applied for. Got my loans and stuff squared away and wound up in the hospital. All in one month. I'm better now, it was a pretty bad infection though. And thankfully it looks like it won't be coming back. Now it looks like I may have endometrisis though which sucks and has pretty much screwed any chances of me ever having children royally. I'm still looking for an SO but I'm in no hurry after all I'm just starting university this month, I have plenty of time to find someone to love me. I'm still plugging away at my various passions and that makes me atleast a bit happy. I also found a place to live on a permanent thing and that has taken a huge weight off my shoulders. Also my therapist thinks I may be able to reduce our sessions to once or twice a month but it's only an experiment. Well, I'll write more later, more then likely tomorrow, but who knows.