Thursday, March 6, 2014

My newest beef with any form of modern Christianity

This is my newest beef with America's modern ChristianityThe "Christian" Right's lunacy no longer has any bounds. After reading each of these articles, I have been pushed further away from organized religion of any kind.

Responsibility falls disproportionately to women, who are taught to protect their “purity” and to never “tempt” their brothers in Christ to “stumble” with immodest behavior. “The lack of men’s responsibility or culpability for their own actions and the acceptance of male ‘urges’ as irresistible forces of nature is the understructure of Christian modesty movements and their secular counterpart. ~ Taken from one of the articles.

Putting all responsibility on women over sexual assault has rapidly become a tenant of modern christianity. Placing the blame on women causes men to think they are free to do what ever they choose. Women are not lesser then men, they not not born just to be mothers and be the subservient "helpmeet" of their husbands. Women are not suppose to let their husbands have sex whenever they desire, nor are they suppose to continuously be pregnant. Women are not broodmares put on this earth for the enjoyment of men.

Women are humans, they have rights, thoughts, desires, and dreams. If a man thinks like this, he needs to be removed from the gene pool, period.