Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dear Men of the Church

Dear Men,

It has come to my attention that you are hard of heart, thought, and mind. You the men in the church that makes people think this church is misogynistic and has no respect for women. The church has said that abortion is ok under certain circumstances and they have never come out against birth control.

Do the church a favor and stop hiding your hatred towards the sexual health and safety of women and of women in general behind your false belief in God. Just because you think it is a woman's divine punishment when she gets raped and impregnated or when she is told she is going to die because she got pregnant doesn't mean that is what the TRUE followers of God think.

Men like you sicken me, you think your religious right and supposed moral authority gives you power over the rest of us. Well, I rebuke you and call you to repent for your attempt at unrighteous dominion.

I sincerely hope you never have a daughter so she doesn't grow up in a household that teaches her that having a voice and being willing to stand up for herself is wrong and that she should cow to any man who demands it of her. I hope any sons you may have learn that your beliefs are wrong and sinful and that they have a much larger and more open heart then you.


A true believer of God and his commandments

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