Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So I got all my grades back

All I have to say is awesome!!! I can't believe I did so well!!!!!! I was so stoked and my BF was so happy he made me a totally awesome diner of top sirloin and veggies that weekend! It was awesome!

My bankruptcy is almost over! Thank goodness! I've got one more court thing to go and I am home free. Though, this is about whether or not I have to pay the filing fee or not. I've got the income requirements and so long as they don't count my school money I should be in the clear for that as well. I'm looking forward to not having to filter calls from people I don't know that's for sure.

On the other plus side I might be getting a new car! I found a place willing to work with me if I can get a couple pieces of paper from the court. THe paper I need is just something that says when my bankruptcy will be discharged and that should be it. I seriously hope I can walk off that lot with a new car. It won't be too new though, it's a 2005 Toyota Prius for about 10 grand. I can make the months payments and so I am hoping I can do this.

Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


This semester at school has been crazy, between the mentoring program blowing up and me not getting enough hours to get a grade I think I should have gotten and the class that I thought would be the easiest turning out to be the hardest, I can't believe I survived.

These are my grades as of now and while I am proud, I wish my last class would drop...I know I passed, but I would feel ten times better if I knew what the grade was. I can't relax until I do.

My car was broken into and a bunch of my gaming stuff was stolen. My dice bag was gone and so was my atari belt buckle that I was suppose to take that day and get made into a nice belt. They also took my prescription sunglass which made me mad, but the dice bag being stolen made me cry for quite a bit.

My poor car. I ended up having to get the window replaced as well and that bugged me because you can only get UV treated glass from the dealership and they wanted way more then I was willing to pay for it. I know a glass place that was able to get me a regular window and it works fine. I called the eye glasses place where I get my eye exam every other year and they were nice enough to give me a new pair for the same price I got my old pair. They aren't nearly as nice, but they will work until next year when I am due for a check up and replacement of my lenses anyway.

When I realized my dice bag was gone I had to go out and buy new dice. I've spent a lot of cash on dice in the last few weeks and it doesn't even match what I  had yet. I also wound up knitting my new dice bag, but I won't be posting that photo here. Those photos will be going on my blog that is about my knitting as this one is about my life and things I feel shouldn't be linked to my Facebook account.

I'm getting ready for the LSATs this october and it's kinda got me scared. I want to score well and I need to. The law school I want to go to has told me that the higher my LSAT score is, the less they will look at my GPA. However, I am confident I can get a decent enough score.